Dahlia Tuber Store

Dahlia Tuber Store will open - March 27th 2025

All orders are for pickup only at our house/hoophouse in Jefferson/Chalmers neighborhood. Tubers - $10/ea, Grab Bags - $8/ea

We plan to open the Tuber store for preorders in March 2025. Pickups will happen at our Open Hoophouse Day, Saturday, May, 3rd or upon requests for a different pickup time.

Feel free to view the store at anytime. These are the tubers we hope to have. They have been updated with 2024 experience and additional photos. They will show as Sold Out until we open the store for ordering in March.

If you have tubers to plant - Dahlia tubers cannot be planted outside in our planting zone until, at the earliest mid-May. The ground needs to be warm and the wet, cold spring weather finished. Tubers easily rot in cold wet soil. We have had recent years of spring weather that has been cold wet and dismal, delaying planting until late May to June. 2024 was a little bit closer to spring weather of the past, if you ignore high heat periods! We started planting tubers around Mother’s Day.

Staking is a key activity when growing dahlias. We recommend placing the stake when you plant.

Dahlia Tuber Store