Detroit Abloom Plot Farmers

In the early months of the pandemic, when many people were thinking about planting a vegetable garden, growing their own food, and spending more time outdoors, Tom had a brilliant idea. He invited people to Detroit Abloom to adopt a free garden plot in exchange for two hours of volunteer time each week. Individuals, families, couples, and groups adopted 15 plots, which was a grand success.

We never even imagined all the wonderful things that would transpire with this endeavor. We made new friends, and the plot farmers made friends with each other, and we discovered many talents which people used to help develop projects during the season. As several gardeners told us at the end of the season, the experience was “life-transforming.” We were thrilled to hear that and decided to expand the program.

In 2021 we had 30 Plot Farmers for the season! Many of our original Plot Farmers returned for 2022, and we increased the plot sizes for some farmers. If you are interested in adopting a plot in 2023 (we still have five available as of 2/16) or know someone that might be interested, read on to see how this program works. You can either call Tom at 313-434-5121 or email us at! You can choose your plot, and Tom will show you where to find all the materials. When you meet with Tom, you can provide contact details such as phone and email address.

Tom communicates with the Plot Farmers via emails. The same message is put on our Detroit Abloom Plot Farmer Facebook page - Please join!

  • Make your Garden Beds

    We provide free compost, top soil, horse manure, straw, wood chips and water in exchange for two hours of volunteer help each week. We are happy to explain how to make raised lasagna beds, as we are a no-till farm. It’s best to make beds in the fall, but early spring works too. We also have free cardboard for gardeners to start their beds.

  • Plant Your Garden

    Gardeners can either direct sow or plant seedlings and get their seeds and plant stock wherever they like. For instance, this season one of our plot farmers is a medicinal herbalist. Her entire plot is planted with medicinal herbs, many of which are perennials. Many of the plot farmers added flowers for beauty and to draw pollinators. What do you want to grow?

  • Volunteer in exchange!

    During the 2022 season, our plot farmers helped us develop Detroit Abloom by volunteering two hours a week per plot. Since we are a working cut flower farm and outdoor Wellness Garden, we always have many kinds of daily farm chores and other projects at any given time. In the above photo, for example, volunteers helped build the water tower for our outdoor bathroom.