Come Volunteer with Us!

We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”
— Winston Churchill

A growing number of enthusiastic volunteers helps us develop Detroit Abloom. That means volunteering with Detroit Abloom is more than just garden or farm chores—although there are plenty of those. It also means using your experience and skills to help make a difference. Detroit Abloom is a project where we can learn, heal, and connect with nature, our Creator, and like-minded folks.

We welcome you to get your hands in the soil during our planting, growing, and harvest season from early April through late November. All volunteer help is greatly appreciated, and there is always a variety of things that need attention. People of ALL ages are welcome. We have all the needed tools. There is plenty of parking space, and we are wheelchair accessible. Volunteers work with us at one of two locations: our flower farm and Wellness Garden on the 200 block of Manistique and Ashland (GPS 248 Manistique) or our headquarters, root cellar, native plant nursery, and hoop house at 305 Newport.

Generally, we work from Monday to Saturday, from 10-6 pm, with a lunch break at 12:30. You are welcome to help for as long as you like. Just give us a heads-up when you are coming. Call or text Tom at 313-434-5121 to confirm when you can come and how many people there will be.

Regarding food: If you bring snacks or lunch, please make sure they do not contain any flesh foods, namely meat, fish, or eggs (milk products are alright), because we are a spiritual-minded project that believes in causing as little harm as possible to other living beings. We want to model Detroit Abloom after the Garden of Eden. The Sprout House, one of our favorite local health food stores, is close by and offers many plant-based options.

Here are some of the other ways our volunteers contribute!

“The best way to find yourself, is to lose yourself in the service of others.”

Mahatma Ghandi

  • Building Projects

    Do you love to build things? Maybe you would like to learn or maybe you have experience—we have projects to fill your desires. During 2022 we plan to finish the community wood-fired bread oven, Kids Abloom, install seating areas on the nature trail, and much more. So, please come and help us with your expertise or willingness to make these projects a reality. Every project we finish, helps our Wellness Garden program grow and benefit increasing numbers of people.

  • Master Gardener & Community Service Hours

    We are a vetted project if you are a Master Gardener and need to volunteer hours to complete. The Master Gardener Program is an awesome way to get into gardening. It combines classroom (online) learning with hands-on experience. We have many Master Gardeners who volunteer with us to further their education with practical gardening experience at Detroit Abloom.

    Do you need Community Work hours through your job, school, or Court Order? We are happy to help you with this. We accept volunteers of all ages and will gladly find something interesting and engaging for you!

  • Group & Company Volunteers

    Before the pandemic we had many groups of volunteers that came from clubs, churches or corporations. This is a group of Wayne State students that volunteers each season. It’s amazing how much can be accomplish when we work together! Tom coordinates our volunteer activities and always has a number of different tasks to do. This could be farm chores, construction projects, painting, wiring a trellis, installing a fence, or a variety of other interesting projects.

Corporate Volunteer Groups

If you are looking for volunteer opportunities for your Company, look no further. We always have projects and gardening tasks throughout the season. We also accomodate special requests. In 2023 BCBSM requested a team building project for two different departments. It happened to be a blistering hot week, weather-wise. We set-up a project in a shady area that involved clearing growth and building a simple Nature Hut for bird watching.

Fill out the form below!

Volunteers don’t get paid, not because they’re worthless, but because they’re priceless.”

Sherry Anderson

Our volunteer hours are Monday through Saturday, 10am - 6pm. Just let us know when you can come by completing this form or call/text Tom at 313-434-5121. You can also join our Newsletter. See sign-up block at bottom of the page.