Food is Medicine 2024
“Let food be thy medicine.”
Our bodies are amazing machines that require proper nourishment
The Detroit Abloom Outdoor Wellness Garden specializes in teaching about the significance of a healthy and wholesome plant-based diet. The world is finally waking up to the truth that a meat-centered diet causes many kinds of preventable chronic and fatal diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and auto-immune-deficiency-related disorders, just to name a few. Because these diseases are rampant in our communities, both in the Grosse Pointes and in Detroit, we are making a special effort to teach people how to joyfully transition to a healthy, delicious, and life-sustaining whole food plant-based diet.
We will have different instructors focusing on different healthy food and sometimes, ethnic dishes! This summer dinner series includes a presentation delving into the subject matter and a community meal at our 32’ Community Table. 5:30 -7 pm at 248 Manistique St. at the pavilion!
Meet Justine Schneider, DA Board Member and director of Food is Medicine https://www.instagram.com/properlyforked/?hl=en
Food is Medicine 2025 -
We are currently working on the 2025 FIM Schedule. Check out the following 2024 schedule.
2024 Class List -
June 13th - Natalie Alinder, Intro to the Red Lotus Lifestyle
June 20th - Dr. Pooja Gupta, Ginger Superfood
June 27th - Tom Milano & Nancy Weigandt, How to Thrive on a plant-based Diet
July 4th - NO CLASS
July 11th - Geneva McCloud, Vegetarian for Kids 1
July 18th - Geneva McCloud, Vegetarian for Kids 2
July 25th - Dr. Pooja Gupta, Plant Protein Power
August 1st - We have added a class for this week - Dr. Pooja Gupta, Plant-based Mexican
Sabine Iafrate, Mediterranean Summer class has moved to 9/5. We have
August 8th - Maggie Smith, Taste the Rainbow
August 15th - Carl Hay, Latin American Vegetarian
August 22th - Justine Schneider, Seasonal Eating with Summer Tomatoes
August 29th - Natalie Allinder, End of Summer Gaia’s Goodie Experience
September 5th - Justine Schneider, Seasonal Eating with Three Sisters is replaced with Sabine Iafrate & Mediterrean Summer instead
Come join us for a meal and learn how food can be your medicine!
If you would like to come to a class - click HERE to register. All of the classes are $10/person for the class, dinner and comradery!
We received a 2021 donation to construct a Community Table for our Community Meals initiative. Tom built 2 - 16 foot tables for these meals, and Food is Medicine. We held two free Community Meals in 2021. One of them featured a trio from the Detroit Symphony Orchestra! We want to continue this in 2023. If you would like to contribute to this, please get in touch with us and let us know how you would like to be involved!
Community Meals

Come, learn and see how food can unite and heal!